Last Mile Testing Programme

Presenting an innovative and practical platform to deliver real-world data and results, the Last-mile Testing Programme is the backbone of The Community Lab.
Using Hysan’s extensive real estate and retail assets in the Lee Gardens Area, cohorts of The Community Lab can test-drive their concepts in an authentic environment, finalise solutions that can be applied door-to-door, and become a leading player in the evolution of an emerging smart city.
Potential start-ups for the Last-mile Testing Programme are specially selected by The Community Lab to meet the growing business needs of the tech scene in Hong Kong. Under the initiatives of Smart Living, Smart Economy, Smart Mobility, and Smart Sustainability, our forward-thinking cohorts strive to design pioneering solutions to enhance the Hysan community experience.

With our guidance at The Community Lab, our cohorts are given the support they need to overcome challenges and perfect their concepts to serve our smart community. We sustain our cohorts through five stages of development and testing—from examining the proof of concept and implementing real-life application to launching in a fully operational testing ground.
Encompassing a diverse catalogue of lifestyle businesses and brands, from modern wellness studios to traditional artisans and corporate retailers, the Lee Gardens area is the ideal urban testing ground to help start-ups bridge the gap between concept and final product. Our balance of high-rise and low-rise lifestyles ensures a unique opportunity to trial ideas in a diversified community.
Hysan’s existing digital infrastructure and powerful property portfolio are the ideal assets for start-ups to trial their pilot schemes before rolling out the end product and bringing technology to the people, connecting our community with the development of a smart city to experience accelerated innovation first-hand.